5월10일(금) 16:00~16:50 5E102 연사: 이한주(동국대) 제목:Bishop-Phelps theorem and recent development 초록: A bounded linear operator 𝑇 from a Banach space 𝑋 to a Banach space 𝑌 is said to be norm-attaining if there is an element x in the closed unit ball 𝐵! of 𝑋 such that |𝑇| = |𝑇𝑥| . If 𝑌 is a scalar (real or complex) field, then such a 𝑇 is called a norm-attaining functional. The celebrated Bishop-Phelps theorem says that norm-attaining functionals are dense in the dual space 𝑋∗. This theorem has far-reaching applications. Bishop- Phelps asked in the same paper if the set of norm-attaining operators is dense in the space 𝐿(𝑋, 𝑌) of bounded linear operators from 𝑋 to 𝑌. Even though the answer is negative in general, there has been several attempts to find a proper solution to this question. In this talk, I briefly review various approach to find the proper solution of the Bishop-Phelps question. These include Lindenstrauss’ and Bourgain’s approach. These are also related to the various geometric properties of norm such as the Radon-Nikodym property, differentiability and uniform convexity of norm. Finally, I will introduce new quantitative approach, so-called “Bishop-Phelphs- Bollobas property”, which is a stronger property than the Bishop-Phelps property. In particular, the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobas theorem holds for 𝐿(𝐿!, 𝐿!), where 1 ≤ 𝑝, 𝑞 < ∞ .